My Journal
Friday, November 6, 2015
Monday, December 10, 2012
Material Girl
"Contentment", when you hear that word, what comes to your mind? Do you even ask yourself if you're contented with what you have? Well, being contented is the hardest thing to do. If you have the latest gadget, you will still want to buy another one. If your dad gave you a brand new cellphone, you're still not contented if another new cellphone has been released. Yes I admit that I’m still not contented with what I have. But as I grow up I've learned that I should be contented and be happy with what I have right now. I'm not talking about material things but it's all about my family, friends and of course God. They are irreplaceable unlike those gadgets or any other material things that we have.
They can give full happiness in my life unlike those gadgets that can be destroyed easily. They are the ones who complete us. Our life is full of challenges and we know that we really need help from the people around us. We have problems in life and we can't face it alone. God will be the one who will help us in the darkest days of our lives. Sometimes we tend to forget him, and we think that we can face it alone. We think we are strong enough but we're wrong. We need God in our lives. We need him for us to be saved and for us to be blessed. We focus too much in the things that we don't have but do we even think that we have God by our side all the time? Every day of our lives he is watching us. He is guiding and protecting us. He is the reason why we still breathe and survive all the problems we have.

Let us all be contented or be satisfied with what God gave us. I admit that I am a material girl. What I mean is I put my attention too much or I value the material things that I have. I will save some money just to buy that, to buy this. And I've realized that those are just material things and I can’t get the true happiness in those things. We should not ask for too much and we should be contented with what we have. We should value the people around us. Instead of buying something for ourselves we should just buy food for the poor. Being contented is one of the hardest things to do, but let us put in our mind and heart that God alone is enough.
My Favorite Book
This book is entitled Tuesdays with Morrie and it is my favorite book. It is a 1997 non-fiction novel by American writer Mitch Albom.The book topped the New York Times Non-Fiction Bestsellers of 2000. This book has an elegant story about a writer getting a second chance to know the true meaning of life through the death of a friend. Have you experi,nced having a teacher who fills your emptiness, gives advice and

The best line that struck me is “Don’t cling to things, because everything is impermanent.” Morrie is right, we are easily blinded by the material things we see around us.We think if we have the latest gadgets, expensive clothes, jewelries and a big house we will be completely happy. I've realize that material things don’t guarantee us true happiness. The story of Mitch Albom and Morrie Schwartz gives hope to every person who reads it. It’s a brilliant story and it changed my life in a simple way.
Watching in television can entertain us but nowadays it can really harm us or it gives negative effects on us. Television Violence is a controversial topic nowadays because of its bad effects on children. Children act violently to the people around them and they imitate what they've seen on the television. Everything that they see in television shows or hear in the media can really affect their lives in different ways. Although some people don't agree that violence on television has negative effects on children , there are some studies that are proven and being made to overcome this problem.
Based on my research ,here are some negative effects on children of seeing violence on television:
- Children become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others . - It is because they are already exposed with too much violence and it really changes what they do and think to the other people.
- Children become fearful of the world and the people around them - Guns, knives, criminals and other things related to violence they saw from the television shows might fear them. They might think that there are criminals everywhere. They might think that many people around them are harmful that's why they are afraid to interact with others.
- Children might be too aggressive toward others, they can lose their respect to the adults and it is because they behave negatively. They easily imitate the scenes on what they saw from the television shows that has violence.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that kids should only watch not more than two hours a day. Yes , television can help children to learn but parents should always be aware in what shows their child is watching. They should always guide their child and parents should be responsible enough.They should not let their child watch alone or see violence on television. Their child's future is on their hands so they should really guide and protect their child. Parents should teach them how to be a responsible and independent individual.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
"It's you"
This blog post is for the person I really want to give thanks. I don't want to put his name here. You know who you are and I hope you can read this. :)
When you lose someone you love, you change : its either you become bitter or better. Well he taught me to be a better person. Yes, the person that helped me to change in a good way was him. He changed the way how I look at life. That life is full of challenges and I should learn to face it. Life is precious and wonderful and I should cherish every moment of my life. He is a positive thinker and that is the most characteristic of him that I like the most. He taught me things that I need to know like there's more to life than what we see. He said that I should be strong enough and i should not give up. All the wounds have healed and it's because of him.

I want to thank you for all the small things that you've done. Thank you for being a good person and I know that God sent you for a reason. Thank you for helping me to change for the better for giving positive outlook in life. Thank you for making me smile. :) If you think you are not special ,well you are wrong. For me you are special and I really appreciate the small things you've done. I'm very thankful to God that I met you. Thank you very much. Now i see things differently. It's all because of you :)
"Stress Reliever"
"Stress," it is the worry experienced by a person in particular circumstances, based on my research. We all have different reasons why we become stressful. Studies, jobs , problems in our families, friends and any other things are the reasons why we become stressful. Some can't even sleep well or their blood pressure rises because of this. It can affect us emotionally or physically. If we are always stress , it can really affect our everyday lives. There are ways to relieve stress or how to manage it. We can do things or we can make changes that can make us stress-free.

All of us have different reasons why we become stressful and we can also relieve it by doing simple things that can make us happy. Watching movies, playing games , listening to musics are the ways to relieve stress. But for me , smiling and laughing is the best and most effective way to relieve stress. We should always think in a positive way that everything will be alright. We should take things seriously but not that much. Too much is not good and it if we stressed ourselves in those things we are the ones who will suffer. Lastly, we should always think that God is always there to help us in our problems. We should not worry too much because God will always be there for us, we should trust him.
"Negative Effects of Peer Pressure"
The first negative effect is shoplifting, we can hear it in news on the radio or television that many teenagers are involved in this crime. They do it because of their friends are doing it and they think that is the way to be "fit in" the group they wanted to join. Some do shoplifting because of initiation in the group. Based on what I have searched , Initiation is a rite of passage ceremony making entrance or acceptance into a group. Teenagers are now in trouble because of doing this crime. Parents should be aware in guiding their child. The next is cutting class, it has to do with education. Students are cutting class because they want to escape school works and they do it with their friends.They go to computer shops to play computer games, some go to malls or any other place away from their school. Their parents give them money for school but they spend it in other things. Cutting class is really a bad effect to the students. This can really affect their grades and if that happens it can ruin their studies. Lastly is the possibility of addiction to prohibited drugs, smoke and alcoholic drugs. This is the major negative effect of peer pressure to teenagers. It can ruin their lives and their relationship with other people. This happens when their friends asked them to join a party without knowing that there are drugs, alcoholic drinks and smoke involved. Their friends will push them to use drugs or drink alcoholic drinks for them to be accepted in the group. If we become addicted in those things , it can really affect our studies, health and our lives. We can have diseases in smoking and it is very hard to cure a person who's addicted to prohibited drugs.
It is true that we can't live alone or we can't live without friends. But it is our choice to be in a right path. We should choose the people who can be trusted and will give us good influence. We should be strong enough to say no if someone's asking us to do bad things. Teenagers should be independent enough and they should be responsible. They should always have self-discipline. Parents should also be responsible enough in guiding their child. They should be aware in what their child is doing. And lastly we should know what's right and what's wrong. We are the ones who make our life so we should be wise enough in making decisions. We should make the right decision in our lives so that we can have a successful life in the future.
"Come on , you should join us! Everyone is doing it," that is how they encourage young people. Peer pressure is the influenced of a group that encourages teenagers or people to change their attitudes, behavior and values in order for you to be fully accepted in their group. It is very common with the youth because they are the ones who spend more time with their friends or classmates in school. Some people can't stand alone or can't stand by themselves so they search for a group of people that they can be with or they can rely on. Peer pressure can be positive or negative but mostly it is negative. Nowadays, peer pressure is portrayed as negative and really had bad effects on teenagers. The negative effects of peer pressure include the following : shoplifting, cutting class, possibility of addiction to prohibited drugs, smoke and alcoholic drugs.

"I love to be with her"
"Be contented and be happy of what you have now; you are very lucky." That's what she told me when we were riding in a bus. The reason why she said that was because while we were in the bus I was staring outside the window and I saw children scattered along the sides of the streets. From these street children that I saw, questions came out on my mind; why are their parents letting them walk with no slippers? Why are their parents letting them beg for money just for their food?" I realized how lucky I am because my mom is always there to take care of us and she is a responsible parent. She is the person I admire and love the most.
"Be contented and be happy of what you have now; you are very lucky." That's what she told me when we were riding in a bus. The reason why she said that was because while we were in the bus I was staring outside the window and I saw children scattered along the sides of the streets. From these street children that I saw, questions came out on my mind; why are their parents letting them walk with no slippers? Why are their parents letting them beg for money just for their food?" I realized how lucky I am because my mom is always there to take care of us and she is a responsible parent. She is the person I admire and love the most.

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Does modern technology make life more convenient or was life better when technology was simpler?
Technology is one of the main reasons why our country becomes successful. Human life absolutely changed when modern technology was invented. It helps people to communicate faster and makes our lives easier. One of the greatest modern technology nowadays include computers, i-Pad, i-Phones, electric stove, and so on. These new invented technologies really changed our lives. We can see the changed in our lives now from the past. There was a big difference on how we live now because of these new highly invented technologies.So, I agree that modern technology makes life more convenient and efficient.

As a student i really do appreciate the advancement of technologies and I think all of us benefits from it. We, students are the most individuals who need technology in life. We always use the internet for research purposes, for our projects or assignments. Our knowledge improves and it also enhances our vocabularies by the internet. In the past , students used books in finding some information that's why they encounter difficulties in searching for some answers unlike now you just have to type,click and search. We now also have video cameras, or digital cameras , and we are using it for our projects. I can really say that there are many advantages of having modern technologies in our lives.
Back then , people are hunting animals just for their food and their life is at risk. But now there is no need for us to hunt animals instead we can just go to supermarkets to buy some foods. Technology makes us also updated on what is going on in our world. We can watch it on televisions, or see it on the internet or even just hear it on the radio. People are becoming successful because of these modern technologies and it makes our work faster and easier. But the problem is they tend to be abusive and people are becoming to dependent on the technologies. Yes it makes our life convenient compared to the past but we should also learn to control ourselves.
Advancement of technology really helps us in different ways. It really changed the way how people live,learn,work and communicate. It overcomes our problem in having difficulties in our work.Time is precious and modern technology helps us to manage our time. It makes our life convenient and we can work faster. So in one day, we can do a lot of things now compared to the past. People just have self-discipline and be responsible enough in using these modern technologies. We should know how to limit ourselves so that we can live a better and healthy living.It is all for our own good and w should be thankful that these technologies are invented.
"The Lucky One"
It was a bright,sunny day and I was riding in the bus with my mom. It took us few minutes before we got to our destination. When I was inside the bus, I was staring outside the window and I saw children on the streets with no slippers, old man begging for money, a mother with her child laying down in the corner of the streets, and other people sitting there begging for food to eat. From those people that I saw, I realized how lucky I am. I am blessed and I am thankful to God.

Finally we have already arrived in Baclaran Church after a few minutes. My mom and I goes there to talk to God and light a candle for our love ones. I love to be with God everyday and I know that he's always there by my side even though I can't see him. We can't see him but i'm sure that we can feel his presence by the blessings he gives us everyday. We should pray for those people along the streets that have no food,shelter and other basic needs.We should help other people and lend our hand to them. We can help them by doing little things like offering some food , or donating some clothes. And lastly, we should always talk to God and have time for him by praying. Let us always remember that God first before anything else.
"Unforgettable Experience"
When we arrived in Hong Kong, there is a shuttle bus waiting for us. We stayed in Royal View Hotel, and it took 3 hours before we got there. It was so tiring so we rest first in the hotel. After that we ate in KFC, because it is the only cheap restaurant we saw there. We went to Kowloon Park and took some pictures of the beautiful places there. We also buy some souvenirs in some stores there. Then after that we went back to the hotel. We need to rest because we will really need a lot of energy for the next day. In our second day, we woke up very early and ate our breakfast in the hotel. We were so excited because we will go to Disney land. I was so amazed by the beauty of Disney land and it is very wide. We have a map and we tried all the rides there. The most unforgettable ride that I've tried is the space shuttle. We really had fun and we also watched a 3D movie. We rest for a while and we watched the parade. Then, when it was almost night we went to the castle and that was the time when there are beautiful and colorful fireworks. For me it was the best part of going to Disney Land. We are all tired but still we are very happy and we really enjoyed that day. In our third day we went to Ocean Park. First we watched a dolphin show; the dolphins are
very funny and cute. Then after that we went to see the big aquarium and we saw different kind of fishes. After that we ate at a restaurant and the food there is very delicious. I forgot the name of the restaurant, it’s quite expensive there but it’s worth it. There are also rides in the Ocean Park and we also tried some. We also ride in a cable car and the view was very beautiful. Then after that we decided to go to the night market there. We bought some t-shirts, wallets and any other stuff. The night market there is also like Divisoria in our country. Then we went back to the hotel and we rest and ate our dinner.
In our last day, the tourist guide brings us to the jewelry shop. My aunt bought us a necklace, and the pendant is our birthstone. We are so lucky because she is very kind to us. After that we went to Victoria’s peak , it was a very beautiful place. You can see the view of the place because it was very high. Then after that we took some pictures and went back to the hotel. We ate first then packed our things. It was our last day and we really did have fun staying there. When I finished my studies and have a decent job , I will go back to Hong Kong. I want to visit Hong Kong again and I will be the one who will treat my family. I also want to travel in any other country and see the beautiful places there. I know that we all want to travel in different places, so we should really study hard. We should study hard to achieve our goals and dreams in life.
Hong Kong is one of the most diverse holiday locations and it provides activities that most of us will surely enjoy. It was the last week of November when my aunt told us that when she got home we will spend our Christmas vacation in Hong Kong for 4 days. We were so excited about the good news she told us. After 1 month she arrived from Canada, we were so excited to see her and talk about our vacation. We bought jackets because my aunt told us that it’s a little bit cold there in Hong Kong. Two days after we go there, we packed our things so that we will not miss anything. Our flight was early; it was 6:00 in the morning so we wake up very early. We were so excited that day and we didn't even sleep during our flight.

very funny and cute. Then after that we went to see the big aquarium and we saw different kind of fishes. After that we ate at a restaurant and the food there is very delicious. I forgot the name of the restaurant, it’s quite expensive there but it’s worth it. There are also rides in the Ocean Park and we also tried some. We also ride in a cable car and the view was very beautiful. Then after that we decided to go to the night market there. We bought some t-shirts, wallets and any other stuff. The night market there is also like Divisoria in our country. Then we went back to the hotel and we rest and ate our dinner.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
"Time Travel"
If you had a superpower what would it be? What will you do or how will you use your superpower? People make mistakes and that’s a part of our life. Sometimes they don’t think first before they act or do something. What I really mean is they regret after what they've done. So the first thing that comes through my mind is to have a superpower which is; I can go back to the past and change it. But now my answer is different, my final answer to that question is a superpower which I can go back to the past but I will not change it anymore. I just want to experience it again and I don’t want to change the past anymore because I believe that whatever my experience was made me who I am today.
A better me, a better person than before and it’s because I've learned my mistakes from the past. Not all of us have a bad experience or sad memories, some have good memories. Those good memories are the reasons why I want to go back to the past. I want to experience again the happy moments with the persons I really treasure. I know that it’s impossible for me to experience it again because I've already accepted the fact that people just come and go. We need to face the reality that some people are just passing through our lives but they don’t stay. Do you know the good thing about that? They left us with happy memories, a mark that will forever stay in our hearts.Those memories make us always smile whenever we remember it. They made us believe that we can easily overcome the pain that some people gave us because they made us stronger. It also made me realize how important life is. Every moment of our lives is very precious. We should always spend our time wisely and not waste it. We should also value and treasure the people around us. They are the reasons why we are happy or sometimes sad. They made us realize how lucky we are to experience those bad and good memories. We are lucky enough to experience the wonderful life that God had given us.

I know that I can’t have a superpower which is; I can go back to the past. We can never go back to the past and we can’t also stop the time nor change it, so we should spend it wisely. I will just cherish every single moment of my life. We should think first before we act so that we will not regret in the end. I will try to have really good memories with the people around me. Live , laugh and love , that is how you live your life to the fullest. Love yourself and also other people. I will make every moment a good and memorable one. And lastly, I will give importance to every person that will come to my life even though they will not stay in my life but in my heart they will forever stay.
If you had a superpower what would it be? What will you do or how will you use your superpower? People make mistakes and that’s a part of our life. Sometimes they don’t think first before they act or do something. What I really mean is they regret after what they've done. So the first thing that comes through my mind is to have a superpower which is; I can go back to the past and change it. But now my answer is different, my final answer to that question is a superpower which I can go back to the past but I will not change it anymore. I just want to experience it again and I don’t want to change the past anymore because I believe that whatever my experience was made me who I am today.
A better me, a better person than before and it’s because I've learned my mistakes from the past. Not all of us have a bad experience or sad memories, some have good memories. Those good memories are the reasons why I want to go back to the past. I want to experience again the happy moments with the persons I really treasure. I know that it’s impossible for me to experience it again because I've already accepted the fact that people just come and go. We need to face the reality that some people are just passing through our lives but they don’t stay. Do you know the good thing about that? They left us with happy memories, a mark that will forever stay in our hearts.Those memories make us always smile whenever we remember it. They made us believe that we can easily overcome the pain that some people gave us because they made us stronger. It also made me realize how important life is. Every moment of our lives is very precious. We should always spend our time wisely and not waste it. We should also value and treasure the people around us. They are the reasons why we are happy or sometimes sad. They made us realize how lucky we are to experience those bad and good memories. We are lucky enough to experience the wonderful life that God had given us.

I know that I can’t have a superpower which is; I can go back to the past. We can never go back to the past and we can’t also stop the time nor change it, so we should spend it wisely. I will just cherish every single moment of my life. We should think first before we act so that we will not regret in the end. I will try to have really good memories with the people around me. Live , laugh and love , that is how you live your life to the fullest. Love yourself and also other people. I will make every moment a good and memorable one. And lastly, I will give importance to every person that will come to my life even though they will not stay in my life but in my heart they will forever stay.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
"I''ll be there for you"
you wake up each morning and you feel like calling I'll be there for
When the road seems uncertain and you can't stop the
hurting’, I’ll be there for you. When there's no one beside you I'll be
there to guide you catch you each time you fall. When the stars won't shine
anymore I'll be there…” These are some lines from the song I'll Be There For You. While
thinking of what to type I’m listening to this music. This is one of my
favorite songs. I dedicate this song to my friends. But first what is the
meaning of a friend? or Why do we need them in our lives? Friendship is very
important in our life. We need friends to help us explore our world better each
day. They are the ones who give a sense of belonging and as we grow they are
always there by our sides. From the six letters of the word friend I can
describe a good friend.
good friend is fun to be with. A friend that makes you laugh
and you’re comfortable with. He is also reliable, someone that you
can always rely or lean on whenever you are sad or weary. A good friend inspires you
or motivates you to be a better person. A good friend encourages you to do well
in life. He inspires you to achieve your goals and dreams in life.
He also gives you energy, when you are lonely or down he is always
there to pick you up and will give you energy to go on through your journey in
life. He is natural and doesn't pretend to be
anybody else just to make you happy. He is dependable and
you can always count on him. Those are the characteristics/qualities
of a good friend. We all know that it is very hard to find a good or true
friend because all of us have our own flaws. We make mistakes and some of us
are too judgmental. Nobody is perfect so you can’t really find a good friend.
We can’t all have the qualities of a good friend. What I mean is we all have
negative sides; it’s just a matter of acceptance. We should learn how to accept
one another so that we will have a good

We should be thankful to
God for giving us our friends. Let us thank our good friends that accept and
loves us for who we are. Thank them for always supporting us on everything we
do. They are always there by our sides to cheer us. We should really be
thankful enough for the time they spend to us. For me time is the most
important thing that someone can give because it is something you can never
take back and we can’t buy time. When someone spends his time with you, it
means that he already shared a part of his life with you. You are very
lucky to have a friend that will never forget you no matter what happen.
Lastly, we should value them just like we value God. I’m really thankful
that I met them and they are already and will always be a part of my life.
college FRIENDS :)
Monday, October 22, 2012
"Are Women better parents than Men? "
Women in nature are caring, loving and
sweet. As I’ve searched on the internet I found out that women also have good
communication skills than men. It is one of the important skills to become a good
parent because your children will inherit everything from you. If you can
communicate well with your child you’ll have a good relationship with him/her.
Second women are good in managing. It simply means that they can easily handle
or manage their family especially their children. Lastly women don’t easily
give up. If they have problems they will find a solution just to overcome it.
For example in her family, if they have a financial problem she will find a way
to give her children a money for their school projects or money to buy food.
Those are the reasons why women are better parents than men.

father is an OFW. He is always away from home. He doesn’t really involve in our domestic life
especially if he is away, but it doesn’t
mean that he is less of a father, his sacrifices to be away from his family is
the living proof of his genuine love for us, we know that he works abroad to
give us a better life. So I must say that I love my parents equally but in my
own opinion my mother knows best, she is my confidant, my best friend and my
critic and my number one fan, but I know
that I can’t live without both of them
and I owe my life to them.

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